for better and for worse, i am an artist! while i hv a deep love for art as a whole (esp writing and poetry, both of which i also do), digital / visual art is like a Lifeblood of mine. heres some works of mine displayed here like a little art gallery you can peruse through...imagine a little plate of cheese and crackers at the entrance you can take with you as you go, if you like. click on each img to view them more clearly! all sorted by newest to oldest, top ➞ down, left ➞ right

while neocities is a Fantastic way to just display my art, i do have more "conventional" art-related social medias nd the like you can find me on: my (info abt my stories and ocs here!), my deviantart, and an unlisted inactive twitter you gotta hunt for like shitty treasure. again, i consider This (on neocities) to be the ideal way to view my art, so good on you for making it here! i hope you enjoy yr stay. :::)

while all the art here is by me (obvs), the characters necessarily arent all mine. some of them might be my friends' ocs - juniper, valery and charlies characters feature here! i Heavily suggest you check them nd their art out as well, the links go to their

the code for the gallery + script for the darkbox (for viewing imgs) is by Tim Wells from this article!



LATE 2021